If you are not satisfied with any of the products you have purchased, you can return them within 14 days and get a refund. To start the return process, simply go to the "My Orders" page and click the "Create Return" button for your product. You can return your product for free from any YurtiƧi Cargo branch with the "Domestic Cargo return code" to be created from the system.
The product you purchased cannot be exchanged directly. However, you can purchase the product you want without making a payment again by using the gift coupon you will request by using the return right of the product you purchased. You can send an email to info@hipicon.com or call 0216 380 08 28 for detailed information on the subject of the issue.
If the product you purchased from Hipicon is damaged or defective, you can return it within 30 days and get your money back. You can open a request from the "My Orders" page, send an email to info@hipicon.com, or contact us at 0216 380 08 28 to return your package with free shipping.
In this case, you can open a request from the "My Orders" page, send an email to info@hipicon.com about the subject, or contact us at +90 216 380 08 28. Our customer service will provide you with the necessary information return as soon as possible.